Alternatively, use the list below to find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Oracle Client:
The company, its administrator, and staff users who run Oracle products, for which their service profile shows they may need Oracle-related services to be performed.
Oracle Specialist:
The Oracle professional whose service profile demonstrates the capacity to respond to client needs for an Oracle product or service.
Service Profile:
What defines an Oracle specialist to an Oracle client, and vice-versa. This is the framework within which a client will search for a specialist, or a specialist will be matched to a Client's product and work environment.
Service Request:
A request from a client to the specialist community to fulfill a service need. It is used by the client to source specialists who will bid to fulfill the service. Upon evaluation, the client will award the chosen specialist a Service Order.
Service Order:
This is the binding order a client issues to a specialist, to fulfill a specific service, where most of the terms of delivery have been clearly defined. Once a Service Order has been completed and approved, the client payment is released to the specialist.
1) Register;
2) Build your service profile (so that you can easily connect or be found by your counterpart);
3) Pay your subscription fee (where eligible)...
...and you're good to go.
If you need help at any point, please go to the "Need Help?" panel (to the left of your screen).
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